guide to education in emirates

talha -04/Jul/20240

guide to education in emirates

In Emirates, education plays a very important role. Education is also considered to be the topmost prioritized factor in Emirate. The emirate has a literacy rate of about 90 percent. During the 90’s period, only the urban people could get the facility of education in Emirates and they need to go to aboard for getting higher education. The new policies and the educational schemes introduced different levels of education. Now UAE has become the place of attraction for students who are willing to join the best colleges or universities available. There was rapid growth towards the field of education as they believed that education can help people get more job opportunities, etc. according to the UNESCO the literacy rate of both male and the female is same. The literacy rate of the female is said to be about 97 percent which is very much higher than average globally. The system of education followed is the same as that of foreign culture. That is the grades followed like K-12, master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, doctorate, etc.


Education in Emirates

In Emirate it is considered education in school is the right for every citizen. Every citizen must have completed the school education for sure. Arabic is the important and compulsory language available in any curriculum and the medium of language used for instructing is English. The schools run from September to June. Public schools provide education free of cost. There is a break given for 3 weeks in December and in March for 2 weeks. In June and August, the holidays are given to children. Unlike other countries, UAE follows different weekly off days that is on Friday and Saturday. The private schools follow a different pattern like it has only 2 semesters.
Basic elementary education starts from the age of 6 years and it free for citizens of Emirates and citizens of other countries who need to pay fees and attend classes in public schools. The pre-schooling option is up to parents as it not mandatory or required in UAE. The languages that' thought for 1 to 5 grades in public schools are social, maths, science, music, Arabic, physical education, and English. The education that takes place between 1- 5 grades known as elementary education. The next will be intermediate education which includes grades from 4 to 6. The students can continue with intermediate education only bypassing the elementary education and the subjects that are thought are almost the same. After these 2 education students will have to choose an option to continue with higher studies are move on to technical education. The technical upper secondary deals focus on subjects related to employment like home science, tourism, etc. the general upper secondary education gives 2 options to the students and asked to select any one stream and continue the education towards it.


Education Institutes of Emirates

The education institute that’s controlled by the ministry of education provide colleges that are separate from both men and women. There are 9 colleges for women and 8 colleges for men where the students who citizens of Emirates are allowed to join. All the colleges provide degrees related to bachelors, masters, doctorates, and diploma courses. The few institutes are names Zayed University, Khalifa University, etc.
The education institute that's owned privately called private higher education institutions. Most of the institutions are located in places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi. These institutions are more profited than the public education institutes. The students from the other countries are more in private institutes than that of the citizens of UAE. But now the demand is growing even more and the citizens of UAE are willing to continue their studies in private higher education institutes.

Student visa:

The students who are above 18 years are eligible to get a visa for studying in any institution. Before applying for a student visa there are few requirements needed like the medical test certificate, admission letter from the college or institution which is being applied for, and approval from GDREA. The visa validity is for 1 year after that it's renewed by providing the required reason and documents. The parents are residents of UAE they can sponsor and give secured students visas for students to study in the institutions. Not all universities or institutions provide visas for their students before selecting the college know the rule and guidelines followed by the college and select accordingly.

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The Emirate is very keen on making their people have a definite education for both men and women in the country and most importantly the women given high priority in terms of education and their literacy rate is comparatively more than men in the country. The structure and study pattern used are very innovative and helps children and students decide their path of future and career. The government of Emirates has taken a lot of effort into providing the best education possible.

This was all about education in emirates. For details regarding Emirates Visa visit EmiratesVisa.

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The student’s visa is applicable for students for 1 year and later it must be extended. 

The Zayed University in Dubai is highly known for its academic standards and growth in the education field.
