Kuldeep Kumar 10-Dec-2024 0

Choosing the right maid is critical for many households in the UAE. Hiring a maid or nanny in Dubai may be difficult and time-consuming if you don't have the necessary tools. The accompanying article will go over certain details of supporting a nanny or maid in the Emirates. Obtaining a maids visa in the Emirates is determined by the type of sponsor available, the documentation required, and the government's criteria. How and where to Apply for a Maid Visa in Emirates.
The Procedure For Emirates Maid Visa
The procedure of sponsoring a maid or nanny for a visa is nearly identical to that of filing with your own. Here are all the essentials details one must know before hiring an immigrant maid in the emirates
- To begin, one should apply for an emirates visa, which will allow the maids to join the nation.
- The maid will then be subjected to a physical fitness assessment, which will involve blood work and x-rays.
- One also must register for just an Emirates ID card on the maid's behalf. This is a form of identity which all UAE citizens must carry with them at all times. The maid's visa is certified, indicating that they will be permitted to work in the Emirates. Eventually, they would be given a domestic worker card, and the maid would be able to begin working.
- The medical exam and Passport Or id registration must both be completed.
Requirements For Emirates Maid Visa
- Photocopy of the passport sponsors and nanny
- Sponsor's bank account for the month.
- Proof of the sponsor's labor agreement in the Emirates
- A photocopy of the sponsor's healthcare card.
- Payment Certification of the Sponsor
- The maid's Physical Fitness Certification is given by their home nation or the Emirates, which should be present at the time of visa application.
- a make copies of the sponsor's rental agreement
Perks of Maids Working in Emirates
If the maid is in the same nation, a declaration of non-relationship from the consulate or embassy. Due to the possibility of violations of human rights and exploitation, the UAE has imposed rigorous controls just on the sponsorship of maids. To be qualified to sponsor a maid in the Emirates, foreigners must fulfill specific wage requirements and other prerequisites. Such restrictions have indeed been set up to ensure that now the maids get compensated with a minimum wage hike and a healthier workplace environment just to employ a maid in the emirates, however, for that one must meet the following requirements:
- Maids should not be younger than 30 years old monthly wage of a minimum of AED 25,000 is required for the sponsorship.
- Sponsorship must pay a yearly charge of AED 9200 to the Department Of immigration.
- In the Emirates, mainly people that reside with relatives are eligible to sponsor a maid.
- In the Emirates, bachelors are unable to employ a nanny.
Additional Requirements to be Known Once You Apply For a Maid
- Paying salaries on time, as per the normal agreement, within 10 days of the deal's expiration date
- There seems to be a compensated relaxation day once a week.
- 12 hours of recommended rest each day, comprising eight hours of uninterrupted sleep
- 30 days of paid leave every year
- Health-care coverage
- A 30-day medical leave every year
- Every 2 years, the round trip home is awarded.
- Accommodations
- The employer provides a good dinner.
- The employers are responsible for supplying appropriate attire for the task
- Passports, identity cards, and other identity documents are acceptable as a form of identity.
How to Cancel The Emirates Maids Visa
The maid, as well as the Sponsorship, should have had no relationship in any form.
- This may be performed at the terminal or in preparation via GDRFA. If you want to do it ahead of time, then must fill out and file the residence cancellation application. the GDRFA Immigration Department, accompanied by the
- maid's passport and labor card.
- Two cancellation receipts will be mailed to you. Deliver one with their maid to present at the airport's customs.
Bring the nanny to the airports and proceed with the usual boarding and exit, wherein the visa will be immediately canceled at immigration clearing.
To recover the money from GDRFA, use another cancellation proof. Or One can accompany the nanny to the airports, receive a flight permit, and proceed to the GDRFA office at the Customs and Border protection desk. Spend around Dh100 to get your residency terminated. In case of a cancellation, try to arrive at least 1 hour ahead of the suggested three-hour international maximum flight. Keep in mind to provide one hard copy of the rejected document to the maids to send to Customs, and another to GDRFA to receive our deposit.
Where Can a Person For Maid Physical Test
A maid visa for the emirates can be applied by 2 options- online or in-store at Arab Business Centre.
ONLINE - where you will be given an online medical application form.
- Bring the maid to the doctor for a physical. Visitors will not have to spend again when you provide evidence of Vaccinations (yellow certification indicating all 3 shots) because the immunization is good for ten years.
In the Emirates and the gulf cooperation council, the need for maids and industrial cleaning companies has significantly risen in recent years. Employed ex-pats without children, but also busy locals, employ professional cleaning services in the Emirates.
Steps to Obtain Emirates Maid Visa
Those who aim to hire
A part-time maid or professional house cleaning services sponsor must adhere to a few standards and restrictions. Getting a maid in Dubai is not a difficult procedure. There are two methods to employ a maid in Dubai.
- Self-employment
- Hiring through a staffing agency
THROUGH AGENCY: The procedure of hiring a maid in the Emirates involves a great deal of information and documentation, therefore we recommend that you deal with an agency while looking for a maid. Experts will take care of you while you focus on your hectic schedule. Using maid recruitment firms, hiring nannies in Uae is a simple and quick procedure. These organizations can help with the full procedure, from obtaining the visa to booking a flight. However, Several organizations just give tourist visas to maids, which means that they will have to apply for a sponsorship for their residence visa. To save these additional charges, you may apply for your Maid's UAE resident visa on your own while your agency handles the rest.
Emirates is one of the most visited countries in the world. This country has been attracting visitors and investors for a long time. The government is doing everything to promote this country as a tourist destination. The visa policy plays an important role when it comes to attracting more tourists from around the world. That's why every year they make some changes to improve the visa procedures for different types of visas. The UAE Government has introduced new rules for issuing Emirates Maid Visa, which is described in this article.